这几年,我对历史特别感兴趣,这种兴趣源于我感到书本,电影,电视呈现的历史基本是不真实的。这就给我自己带来了麻烦,什么是真实的呢?George Orwell有个quote: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
英文有个表达rabbit hole,如果对真实性提出问题,自然就会进入rabbit hole里面,没有答案,只能是speculate. 这几年我总是感到自己在rabbit hole里面。荷马史诗奥德赛The Odyssey给我感触颇多,who is this Homer荷马guy?现代,Odyssey这个词还有一个含义:a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience.
我想人生并不只是人们通常认为的,一个journey,或者experiences,至少journey和experiences是不够的。我认为还要真实,即便是进入rabbit hole,没有答案,我不能停留在自我hype定义的journey和experiences层面。2022及未来,我想我会继续在这个rabbit hole里面挣扎的。分享这支Mehdi的曲子Odyssey,整个曲子,听来如同a breathtaking odyssey of the mind, body and soul.
一个人讲believing in God, what does that mean? 是讲讲就行了还是act out 按照believing God。讲自己believing是无聊的,act out才是真believing。因此Jordan 哭了,他说what if I strayed. 他引用尼采说的,真正的基督徒就一个,耶稣本人。
有几个口口声声讲believing in God, 真正live out fully like believing in God?我知道自己做不到,因此我不愿意宣称自己,我认为只是人的自我hype.
这是前面我给freehiker的回复。我不是故作高深,但是我觉得人活着是不同的。其中最大的不同就是是不是fleeing from the truth. 因为无法获得就fleeing,这是绝大多人的选择,而我选择在rabbit hole 里挣扎。我这么说自己是自嘲,不是自残,我自己enjoy,而且我认为信仰和科学理性不是最高点,我自感在上面看这两点的。
"I do not despair, since experience has taught me that men and women can flee from the truth only for so long, that they will always, in the end, be reminded of the permanent values, and that the dreams of liberty, equality, and fraternity will excite them only in the short term"
我个人体会和体验正是如此. Pursuing something,理想和激情,while so exciting, can not stop at that something itself, that will not have the long lasting staying power. 我认为这是creation model中人的will的美妙和精妙之处。 Higher values,Roger's point, the permanent values,end up with the ultimate goal of not fleeing from the truth which is so difficult to get。”
我想以前我们交流过对灵的认知。我当然是相信灵的存在,只是我认为人间展现和呈现出来的“灵”,我基本可以确定,大多数是人为的,人的“灵”,我无从分辨,因此我干脆不介入,不把我的精力和时间放在那上面。 我曾经听到一个表达,当我遇到Ghost的时候,不用回避,不用怕,直面上去,after all, I will die some day, 这个someday也不是我自己能决定的。 我的确对new age音乐感兴趣,提供一个我从everything到nothingness的smooth flowing,我并不怕被judge,我是活在自己的世界里的人,别人的opinion不会对我怎样的。
哈哈,你很厉害。不过,我以前讲过,我对symbol,任何中介不感冒,也不忌讳。Someone else always has the self way for expression, I am not into that. I wish I would have that power, unfortunately I don't, as much as I want that power. Long time ago, I had a debate with some folks on wearing 名牌. No, I want to wear my own name on it. 哈哈。
"I do not despair, since experience has taught me that men and women can flee from the truth only for so long, that they will always, in the end, be reminded of the permanent values, and that the dreams of liberty, equality, and fraternity will excite them only in the short term"
我个人体会和体验正是如此. Pursuing something,理想和激情,while so exciting, can not stop at that something itself, that will not have the long lasting staying power. 我认为这是creation model中人的will的美妙和精妙之处。 Higher values,Roger's point, the permanent values,end up with the ultimate goal of not fleeing from the truth which is so difficult to get。
我感到遗憾,西方启蒙,现在看来只是短暂的几百年试验。人的本性,即便是启蒙后,也是倾向control和manipulate,尤其是所谓高智商聪明人,for what?有时我想,最初,人为了survival打猎,用智慧survival。是什么时候开始,人的survival本性演变成为control,manipulate,甚至destroy其它的人为首要的呢?大猩猩就是这样。老虎就不是,不是destroy其它老虎,自己饿了,为了survival而杀死prey。逻辑上来看,我认为是社会性,群居造成的。Human being has tendency for not leaving others alone。 极端是人定胜天思维。因此在这个层面,人是不如老虎那样honorable的。人的survival和人的社会性,not leaving others alone,两者间的本质矛盾,给了很多投机者幻觉和机会,很多思想家,政治家,权术家,搞出各种主义,理论,hype人的社会性,所谓以集体,以人民的名义。人世间的残忍,丑陋,都是以集体和人民的名义干出来的。很遗憾,美国现在也变成这样的环境,我不能不想slavery本质恐怕跟源头creation是强相关的。
激情和理想都是好东西,我的体会和体验是,这些好东西如果被用来对付另外一个人或者一群和一类人,伴随着产生的自我hype就不是好东西,至少我个人不喜欢。我不愿把时间和精力放在那种hype上。所谓人的社会性总是会产生伴随的竞争性,甚至都是不如动物的。有多少人不把intelligence用来对付其它人,不用来control和manipulate?我不能blame,it is what it is,我想这是creation model设计的,哈哈!