可是当年在镇远舰上当舰长的美籍清军军官加北洋海军总教习马吉芬(Philo Norton McGiffin,1860-1897),事后写了一篇回忆文章《鸭绿江边的海战》(The Battle of the Yalu)。文中是这样回忆邓世昌的殉国过程的:
During the confusion of our line consequent upon being out-maneuvered, the Chen Yuen passed under our stern and joined the Lai Yuen and surviving ships of the right wing. The Ping Yuen and Kwang Ping, now coming up, threatened the Akagi and Saikio. Signals were made on the Matsushima, and the Flying Squadron maneuvered to cover the endangered vessels. About this time the Chih Yuen boldly, if somewhat foolhardily, bore down on the Flying Squadron’s line, possibly to attack the two mentioned vessels. Just what happened no one seems to know, but apparently she was struck below the waterline by a heavy shell — either a ten-inch or a thirteen-inch. Be that as it may, she took a heavy list, and, thus fatally injured, her commander, Tang Shi Chang, a most courageous albeit somewhat obstinate officer, resolved at least to avenge himself and charged one of the largest vessels, intending to ram. A hurricane of projectiles from both heavy and machine guns swept down upon his ship, the list became more pronounced, and just before getting home to his intended victim, his ship rolled over and then plunged, bows first, into the depths, righting herself as she sank, her screws whirling in the air and carrying down all hands, including the chief engineer, Mr. Purvis, a gentleman, and a most efficient officer, who was shut up in the engine room. Seven of her crew clung to one of the circular life-buoys kept on the bridge, and were drifted by the tide toward the coast, where they were rescued by a junk. The stories of these men vary so much in general as to be unreliable, but all agree on one incident. Captain Tang had a large dog of a most vicious temper, unruly at times even with his master. After the ship sank Captain Tang, who could not swim, managed to get to an oar or some small piece of wood — enough to have supported him had not his dog swum to him, and, climbing up on him, forced him to release his grasp and thus miserably drown, the brute sharing his fate — perhaps the only case on record of a man drowned by his dog.
甲午海战期间大清北洋海军镇远舰美籍舰长马吉芬(Captain Philo Norton McGiffin,1860-1897)
McGiffin went to China and was awarded a commission in the Imperial Chinese Navy. He was appointed by Li Hongzhang, Viceroy of Zhili and Beiyang Trade Minister of the Qing dynasty, as a professor at China’s naval college in Tianjin in 1885. He also worked as a hydrographic surveyor on the Korean coast, helped oversee the construction of four warships being built in Britain for China, and was appointed to build and head a new naval college in Weihaiwei, Shandong.
=========================== | 要知道镇远舰和定远舰是北洋的旗舰。经远舰和致远舰等军舰都是次一等的快舰,虽然同是管带或舰长,级别大不同。
镇、定二铁甲速率十六;致、靖、经、来、济、五快舰速率十八;超、扬二铁肋速率十四;平远钢甲速率十一;广乙、丙二守甲速率十五;镇东、镇南、镇西、镇北、镇中、镇边六蚊船其速率八、九,其余广甲、康济、威远均系木船,不足以经战康济、威远均系木船,不足以经战阵者。镇、定载炮大小十尊,致、靖、经、来、济大小七尊,超、扬大小六尊,平远大小六尊,乙、丙大小六尊,蚊船各一尊,其远率均在四千八百码左右,其快率大炮每分钟一出,快炮每分钟可二、三出。 | |
| 作者:席琳 | | 留言时间:2022-11-07 06:20:08 | |
| 《文史天地》2015年第9期有一篇文章,作者王学斌:“说破英雄惊煞人”讲得甚好:上有所需,下有所盼,一个绝世的英雄,就给包装成功了。 | |
| 帮助国人抗日的,不仅仅是飞虎队,也不仅仅是白求恩。远在甲午海战之前,就已经存在了。还帮中国建立起了医院、学校、引进了良种和肥料,而我们中国的老百姓,不但不领情,反报之以义和团。 | |
| 作者:席琳 回复 巴黎老高 | | 留言时间:2022-11-07 05:48:11 | |
| 作者:巴黎老高 | | 留言时间:2022-11-07 04:17:04 | |
| 美籍清軍軍官加教練馬吉芬(Philo Norton McGiffin,1860-1997) ?? 133 岁,活那么大年龄, 香港回归那年他才死? | |
| @确确实实是一位伟大的国际主义战士,他是美国海军军事学院毕业,不远万里,来到中国,帮助前清建立和训练了北洋海军。
小时候看过《甲午风云》,一直以为邓世昌是一舰之长,是头衔舰长还是管带没所谓,那高大全的形象令我印象深刻,需知以往所得的党的教育是清朝腐败无能,上下一团漆黑,只有太平天国,捻军,小刀会和义和团之类的反贼才是正义之师,形象高大全。 今天才学到嘢,另一军舰之舰长是美帝洋鬼子。 我党在建国后把鬼佬几乎全部赶走,包括绝大部分的中国人民的老朋友,只剩下零星几个为我党高层做翻译的,真是高瞻远瞩,处心积虑。否则,鬼佬是管不住自己的嘴巴的,会给我党的宣传教育带来干扰的。