


   澳大利亚的《澳大利亚人》报2002-09-10报道:在2001-09-10这一天,比尔.克林顿在墨尔本的一个午餐会上,说:"在往下的三十年中,最大的安全隐患,不大会来自国家之间真刀真枪的战争,而更会是来自非国家形式的行动,来自有先进武器的恐怖分子、毒贩和黑帮。我给你们一个例子。你们记得两年前,那是我作为总统最困难的日子,美国驻肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的大使馆被炸掉。很多美国人被害,连同更多的非洲人。他们是被由本.拉登领导的恐怖组织杀害的。本.拉登,这个流亡到阿富汗的沙特阿拉伯人,通过互联网与追随者联系。他们拥有先进的武器,并且想方设法搞生化武器。"('The biggest security threat of the next 30 years, I think, is likely to be not countries going to war with each other or even lobbing missiles at each other. it is likely to come from non-national actions - from terrorists, narco-tacffickers, organised criminals, armed with sophisticated weapons. I will just give you one example. you remember a couple of years ago, one of the worst days of my life as president was when two American embassies were blown up in Africa - two African countries, in Kenya and Tanzania. A lot of Americans were killed. More Africans were killed. They were killed b a terrorist organisation headed by Osama bin Laden, a Saudi exile living in Afghanistan, communicating with his followers over the internet. They have exceedingly sophisticated weapons and are doing everything they can to get their hands on chemical and biological weapons.')


   "许多国会议员对我干预波斯尼亚、科索沃、赶走海地独裁者等不以为然,但是,美国是政治、经济和军事的世界独强,有沉重的责任去推动世界的和平,自由和稳定。哪里没有这些事物,哪里就会有问题发生。"('A lot of people in the Congress thought I was nuts to get into Bosnia, Ksovo, throw out the milltary dictator in Haiti and send 500 troops over here to get the Aussies in and out of East Timor, but it seems to me that the US - in this unique but, I assure you, fleeting moment where they are the dominant economic, political and military power in the world - has a heavy responsibility to try [to] promote peace and freedom and stability everywhere in the world. Because wherever it doesn't exist is another place where we may have problems down the road.'











许多习黑缺乏对党史的基本认识,以下这种论述在近日中文反党反华媒体相当普遍。 =================== 陈维健评论文章:新年伊始,湖南省委宣布全省展开“解放思想大讨论活动”,从现时肃杀的政治环境下,这一宣布是石破天惊的,人们立马就会想到1978年毛死后由胡耀邦主持的有...